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Revenue Officer Assignment of your IRS File

Revenue Officers have the authority to garnish wages, levy bank accounts, file federal tax liens, seize assets, summons taxpayers to meetings and summons taxpayer information from taxpayers, banks, and other entities.

If an IRS tax revenue officer contacts you, contact us as soon as possible. IRS revenue officers are highly trained and carry large caseloads so they are more likely to use enforced collections such as levies, liens or garnishments to collect money quickly. Revenue Officers are NOT experts in taxation. Nor do they determine the validity of debt. Their duty is strictly to collect balances.

The duties of a revenue officer can vary, depending on where he or she works. Officers may inspect accounts and tax returns, looking for signs of noncompliance and concern. They also look for issues such as late payments or delinquent accounts. Usually, the goal is to act quickly before an account becomes any more delinquent, as the ability to recover funds can decline dramatically once an account starts to fall into arrears.

Revenue officer assignment should not be taken lightly; if you have been assigned or believe you may be assigned a revenue officer you should contact us immediately.

Want to speak with someone about a revenue officer?

Contact us today at (855) 976-4291