A National Company Serving All 50 States

Here are some helpful tips when choosing your representation

Enrolled agents (EAs) are America’s Tax Experts. EAs are the only federally licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

  • Company Credibility You want to make sure you take a careful look at the company you will be using for this service. We suggest the websites of Consumer Report and the National Association of Enrolled Agents or NAEA.
  • Enrolled Agent on staff An enrolled agent is the only tax practitioner in the United States who is licensed by the IRS to be an advocate on behalf of the taxpayer.
  • Beware of excessive upfront fees Many companies charge large upfront fees and promise a solution without investigating your case with the IRS. The firm you use needs to contact the IRS and obtain specifics on your case before they can give you a suitable solution.
  • Pay as you go fee structure Companies should charge fees according to their progress on your case. Every case is different and the work should justify the fee.

Integrity Tax Relief Group has enrolled agents, attorneys, and other tax professionals ready to resolve your IRS issues for the minimum amount the law allows. Our staff has the experience of working directly with the IRS and State Departments of Revenue. You can rest assured that we are here for the long run. The formula for this success is simple. We provide only realistic options for taxpayers who owe the IRS. And we deliver the results quickly and professionally. Further, we guarantee that if we don't do everything stated in our work agreement, we will gladly refund your retainer without question!

Now, here is the process of resolution that the majority of our clients cases follow

  • Educate Together, we make sure your immediate questions are answered.
  • Investigate We conduct a Tax Investigation. This means we communicate with the IRS to get a Tax Practitioners Report on your IRS file, a current set of tax transcripts on your file, and also do a detailed financial analysis on you. We also speak to you about your goals, and determine which of the qualifying resolutions best suits you.
  • Resolution is determined We present one or more options of resolution, and demonstrate the methods we’ll use to reduce or eliminate the amount that the client will pay.
  • Resolution implementation We keep you abreast of the case through the sometimes lengthy and tedious process of dealing with the Department of Revenue. We continuously monitor collections statuses to ensure the safety of your money until the case is fully resolved. We relentlessly petition the IRS and State DORs for the best deal available to you using every legal method known. And if the case is hardship based, we also work directly with you to ensure the picture of your financial situation is painted to benefit you as much as possible.

Why Use a Federally Licensed Enrolled Agent to Represent You!

Former Lawyer/CPA Disbarred from Practice before the IRS for Filing False Powers of Attorney IR-2014-58, May 1, 2014

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service today announced its Office of Professional Responsibility obtained the disbarment of Charles M. Edgar, which revokes his authority to practice before the IRS. Edgar is a former certified public accountant (CPA) and former attorney in Massachusetts. He was disbarred for having his CPA license revoked and for falsely claiming to be a CPA on power of attorney forms submitted to the IRS.

CPAs, duly qualified by a state, and lawyers, in good standing with a state, are permitted to represent taxpayers before the IRS. As a result of the proceedings, Edgar is barred from representing taxpayers before the IRS for a minimum of five years.

In a formal disciplinary proceeding, an administrative law judge (“ALJ”) determined that Edgar had engaged in misconduct in violation of Circular 230, Regulations Governing Practice before the IRS. Edgar appealed the order of disbarment. However, the Treasury Appellate Authority upheld the order of disbarment on April 18, 2014.

"The representations made by practitioners on powers of attorney forms are not mere procedural niceties. The forms are signed under penalty of perjury. Claiming a nonexistent licensure status puts the IRS in the position of potentially discussing taxpayer information with an unauthorized or unqualified person,” said Karen L. Hawkins, Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility. “We will not tolerate that type of abuse of the tax administration process by anyone."

Edgar was licensed as a CPA and lawyer in Massachusetts. In December 2010, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Public Accountancy revoked his CPA license based, in part, on his 1995 federal conviction for making false statements to the government in connection with claims for disability benefits and mail fraud. Edgar’s license to practice law in Massachusetts was suspended in 1995, based on the criminal convictions. His petition for reinstatement to the Massachusetts bar was denied in 2001.

Subsequent to the CPA license revocation, in May 2011, Edgar attempted to represent two individual taxpayers under audit by the IRS. He filed two powers of attorney (Form 2848) in which he claimed to be a CPA duly qualified to practice in Massachusetts.

In an Initial Decision and Order, the ALJ determined that Edgar's "conduct demonstrates he does not have the integrity or character to be trusted representing taxpayers before the IRS." The Decision further stated: “The only appropriate sanction therefore is disbarment." The Treasury Appellate Authority concurred finding the disciplinary proceeding was brought within the statute of limitations; that Edgar had given false and misleading information to a Treasury employee during the IRS examination process; and, that submitting false powers of attorney to the IRS was a "serious violation[s] that warrants a severe sanction." http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/Former-Lawyer-CPA-Disbarred-from-Practice-before-the-IRS-for-Filing-False-Powers-of-Attorney

Enrolled Agent or CPA?

An EA is authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS for audits, collections, and appeals. Enrolled agents are the only taxpayer representatives who receive their unlimited right to practice from the federal government (CPAs and attorneys are licensed by the states). Not only do EAs rates tend to be more affordable but their tax law expertise to represent clients in tax proceedings, audit hearings and appeals is in much greater detail and depth.

The IRS does not require tax attorneys and certified public accountants to complete continuing education

About NAEA

The enrolled agent profession dates back to 1884 when, after questionable claims had been presented for Civil War losses, Congress acted to regulate persons who represented citizens in their dealings with the U.S. Treasury Department. From these intriguing beginnings have come the current National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), which is a national association of over 11,000 independent, licensed tax professionals. NAEA is dedicated to helping its members maintain the highest level of knowledge, skills and professionalism in all areas of taxation, so that members may most effectively represent the needs of their clients.

NAEA provides valuable services to tax professionals and taxpayers alike. For example, NAEA members are required to complete a minimum of 30 hours of CE each year in the interpretation, application and administration of federal tax laws in order to maintain membership in the organization. This requirement surpasses the IRS required minimum and ensures that taxpayers choosing to use an EA always receive up-to-date guidance reflecting the most recent tax code updates.

NAEA's dedication to Advocacy is another unique aspect of our service, reflecting our commitment to providing a voice on behalf of our members and taxpayers' interests to the federal government and regarding tax-related legislation. Copies of the most recent 990(s) for the National Association of Enrolled Agents are available on www.guidestar.com or by upon written request to: W. Grutzkuhn, Director of Finance, NAEA, 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Suite. 400. Copies of the return will be mailed within 30 days and they will be provided for a nominal fee. See more at http://www.naea.org/about-naea#sthash.5lt09f2H.dpuf